Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Help Improve India - New Feedback System direct to the Indian Government

Hello fellow Indians, expats, and visitors to our country,

This is the url for an excellent new initiative which directs public grievances and feedback straight to Indian government ministries in New Delhi, or to relevant state governments:

The fantastic thing is that it seems to work (see the excerpt below from a friend of a friend who recently used it).

I would strongly urge every Indian - resident or not - and every expat who lives here, or visitor who visits - to spend just a few minutes and make use of this at some stage in the near future. 

We’re probably not going to rid our country of kickbacks or vote bank politics through this, but we can start with the little things that make an impactful difference to us all such as traffic issues, public works, cleanliness of public spaces, efficiency of key ministries/ departments/ institutions, and so on. 

Please also spread the word about this site or send an invitation to this group to every Indian/ expat/ visitor to the country that you can from your FB friends list.

On a personal basis, as a very time poor person, I would not expend the effort in using and publicising this unless I believed it could make a difference.

So please do your bit if you feel it could be of meaningful impact and bug the s""t out of them using this site, on any issue important to you, until someone listens.

Thank you and very best,


An expert from someone who recently used the new system:

Can you imagine this is happening in INDIA? 

The govt. wants people to use this tool to highlight the problems they faced while dealing with Government officials or departments like Passport Office, Electricity board, BSNL/MTNL, Railways etc. 

I know many people will say that these things don't work in India, but this actually works as one of our colleague in CSC found. The guy I'm talking about lives in Faridabad. Couple of months back, the Faridabad Municipal Corporation laid new roads in his area and the residents were very happy about it. 

But 2 weeks later, BSNL dug up the newly laid roads to install new cables which annoyed all the residents including this guy. But it was only this guy! Who used the above listed grievance forum to highlight his concern. And to his surprise, BSNL and Municipal Corporation of Faridabad were served a show cause notice and the guy received a copy of the notice in one week. Government has asked the MC and BSNL about the goof up as it's clear that both the government departments were not in sync at all. 

So use this grievance forum and educate others who don't know about this facility. This way we can at least raise our concerns instead of just talking about the ' System ' in India.

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